A podcast feed URL is the unique web address for a podcast’s audio files. It allows people to subscribe and receive new episodes automatically as they become available. These URLs are offered in a couple of formats but serve the same purpose. Their job is to make it easy for listeners to find specific episodes and stay up to date when new one’s are released!
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Let’s explain what a Podcast Feed URL is in more detail:
A Podcast Feed URL is a web address that points to the location of an RSS or XML file that contains information about a podcast’s latest episodes. This file can be used by podcasting software and apps to automatically download new episodes of a podcast as they become available. The URL can take several forms but should be easily accessible through popular podcasting software. The most common form is HTTP, which looks like http://example.com/feeds/podcastname.
These URL’s link listers to an RSS feed. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It’s a content distribution format — it tells people when and where your podcast episodes are available. Subscribers can use RSS feeds to subscribe to your podcast and automatically receive each new episode you publish (similarly to how they receive messages from favorite blogs).
RSS feeds are provided through an RSS hosting service. You’ll need to register for an account with the service, paste your audio’s unique URL into the appropriate space during registration, and save your changes. Listeners can then have your new podcast episodes auto downloaded onto their laptop, tablet, or cell phone.
Related: How to Create an RSS Feed for Your Podcast
What Do I Need Before I Can Make a Podcast Feed URL?
What Is a Podcast Feed URL
In short, you need a web host and an RSS feed.
A web host is where your podcast files will be stored. You’ll upload and manage your audio, and any other files (such as cover art or show notes) through the web host’s control panel — most web hosts have user-friendly interfaces that make it easy to work with files and folders.
Once you’ve uploaded your podcast episodes, you can point people to the URL of the RSS feed of that audio file so they can download it or stream it.
Related: How to Submit Your Podcast to Spotify (2022 Help Guide)
How do I link my RSS feed to my website?
Depending on the host site, you’ll either install a plug in or manually upload the RSS feed URL.
If you’re using a hosting site like WordPress, all that’s required is a free plug-in — just download and install one of the many available, such as the RSS Post Importer. Other platforms will require you to manually add your RSS feed URL to episode location web addresses (e.g., https://yourwebsite.com/podcastname/episode1). You can do this by coding or directly through the control panel of your website’s platform.
Related: How to Embed a Podcast from Libsyn to Your Website
How To Change the RSS Feed in a Podcast Platform
If you use a hosting provider such as Apple Podcasts Connect, changing the RSS feed is simple and efficient. Most hosting providers offer the option of implementing a redirect. This is when the provider automatically reroutes the podcast to the new RSS feed URL for you. At most, you may have to go into the host software and type in the new podcase feed URL, otherwise, the host does the rest.
If you do not use a hosting provider, you will have to manually code each RSS feed to redirect to the new URL. You’ll need to set up the existing URL with an HTTP 301 redirect code and add the new RSS feed URL. This will send any subscriber who tries to use the existing URL to the new URL you establish.
A podcast feed URL is a web address that points to a podcast’s RSS or Atom feed. This feed contains information about the podcast, including its title, description, and episode URLs. Podcast listeners can use this feed to subscribe to the podcast and receive updates whenever new episodes are released.
Learn more about how you can start a podcast today.